Wednesday, February 23, 2011


It's kind of disappionting that the newspaper only talks about sad storys, they never seem to put in some good storys.Like, my mom use too have a job where she would host the good-news awards. I thought that was pretty cool. You guys should talk about good things that happen that you know of and put it in your city's newspaper.Send me a comment on what you said.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a peace video

Hopefully this video will teach the world that if we don't stop war, it could be the end of human kind.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Principal was shot? By the janitor?

In two starkly different settings, the tragic killing of a beloved elementry school principal stirred deep emotions Friday.
So, the janitor pleaded not guilty and said the principal was his "best" "friend".
After a judge ordered the janitor held without bail on a charge of first-degree murder, a family friend turned toward television cameramen trying to chase down a comment outside the courtroom and cried out such a crime.
Let's give a moment for the principal.......................
Okay..Could one of you out there tell me what first-degree murder means?
Send me a comment with the answer.
Rest In PEACE, Mr. LaCara